No physician referral needed to access physical therapy
On January 1, 2014, a new California law was enacted which allows California consumers direct access to physical therapists (individual physical therapist).

Learn more about this law here

Pain, Breathing & Yoga

Did you know that breathing is the only voluntary and involuntary action in the human body?

If we don’t take a breath, the body will automatically breathe for us. This is quite helpful in staying alive. However, we also have the option to breathe when we want to.

In the previous article, I wrote about pain and how we experience it and how I can help (see above). I also mentioned that our neuromuscular system is directly influenced by how we breathe. This in turn affects how our muscles feel, how they move and how we perceive pain.
It's not just how we breathe but also how our rib cages allow the diaphragm and lungs to move which is important. This is something I can help you change.
One part of our nervous system that’s been talked about in the media a lot, is the sympathetic nervous system. If our days tend to be busy, we will likely breathe using the top part of our lungs. This only enhances the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.

What happens?

• Our heart rate increases
• Blood pressure increases
• Cortisol levels raise
• Reduced digestion
• Long term stimulation can lead to hypertension, Type II Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What does that mean for our muscles and how can I help?

It means that the messages received to each muscle fiber is ready to contract and activate. Fight or Flight. IF this system is over active, our muscles can develop fatigue, soreness and even pain. We feel tired and wonder why our bodies can ache.

So how can we better regulate these processes?

One key thing to be mindful of is how we breathe. This all comes down to using our diaphragm. Just like the heart, it is a muscle. If it’s not worked out regularly, it can become weak and we can develop problems.

Changing how we breathe and using our diaphragm can result in:

• Reduced blood pressure
•Reduced heart rate
• Lower cortisol production
• Improved digestion Lower stress levels
• Improved mood
• Improved sleep
• More energy

Pretty amazing.

Using our diaphragms and breathing deeply will activate the parasympathetic nervous system, rest and digest. Ultimately this result in your muscles:

• Feel less tense
• Experience less fatigue
• Have improved range of motion during movement
• Ultimately feel less painful

This is how breathing can directly influence our muscles and pain and I can help you do so. Your rib cage mobility and how it moves can also contribute to neck and arm pain but also low back and hip pain!

This is also why breathing, as simple as it sounds, can bring about a change in how we experience pain on a day to day basis.

Perhaps try this to begin with:

After a day when you feel tight, sore, pain, tired etc. Sit or lay down for 10 minutes. Place one hand on your belly and focus on breathing deeply. Breath into your hand/s slowly and exhale
just as slowly, if not slower.

Let me know how it feels!! I can almost guarantee you will feel better!

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